The Pilgrim Route
The Pilgrim Route
Westport to Bertra Beach via Croagh Patrick
This relatively moderate route takes in some glorious views of Ireland’s holiest mountain, Croagh Patrick. Departing Westport from the West, you’ll cycle past the sacred fasting site of St.Patrick at the 10 kilometre mark, before heading right outside of Lecanvey to Bertra Beach. Berta is a gorgeous beach for a swim if you’re that way inclined. Alternatively you can take a stroll along the sand and take in the vastness of Clew Bay around you, with Achill Island to the right as you look at at the Atlantic, and Clare Island nearly straight ahead.
Hopping back on the bike, you’ll head back towards Westport through the village of Murrisk once again, which sits at the base of Croagh Patrick. Campbell’s at the Reek in Murrisk is a great place to stop for a refreshment before tackling the next few kilometres to Westport. Carrying on after Murrisk you’ll cycle into Westport via the harbour, which is a quiet little cove on the eastern extremity of Clew Bay. Looping back around through Westport, you’ll once again head out past Croagh Patrick to Bertra Beach. Murrisk and the surrounds have several options for bike-friendly accommodation, which you can find at the bottom of this route. Enjoy!